Who We Are

TUNLAW STRATEGIES is a minority-owned and operated strategic communications firm that empowers campaigns and causes to shape public opinion and persuade people to take action.

We have been senior advisers to:

  • Candidates for president, governor, U.S. Senate and House, state legislature, and mayor

  • Party committees and independent expenditures that reported record fundraising, ran targeted and aggressive paid media plans, and flipped, protected, or expanded Democratic majorities in both houses of Congress and dozens of legislative chambers

  • Private sector executives providing thought leadership and better defining their brands

We help you tell your story with confidence, authenticity, and purpose.


As a boutique firm, we commit our full attention to the clients we work with, and we strive to work on projects that are a good fit. We first learn more about you and gather all of the facts and context. Then, we work closely with you to develop and implement a winning strategy that addresses your specific needs, and stay right alongside you until the job is fully finished.


We strongly believe that sustained success for any team or organization is not possible without a commitment to the values of diversity and inclusion. Our perspective and lived experiences shape our counsel as we model best practices, and help you to authentically communicate with a diverse coalition of audiences and voters.


Anjan Mukherjee is a seasoned strategic communications and messaging consultant based in Washington, DC. As partner at Hone Strategies, he led strategic messaging efforts for campaigns across the country, including candidates running in Arizona, California, Florida, Missouri, and South Carolina.

Before that, he served in senior leadership positions with the DCCC’s $90 million independent expenditure during the 2020 election cycle, Sen. Amy Klobuchar’s presidential campaign, and the Democratic Legislative Campaign Committee. He has also conducted comprehensive opposition research and rapid response for League of Conservation Voters, Sen. Chris Coons’s re-election campaign, and the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee.

Outside of work, Anjan is an avid musician who picked up his first instrument at age 9 and never looked back. Anjan composed original music for the DLCC’s podcast, Stated, featuring prominent Democrats, including members of Congress, party leaders, and local elected officials, talking about the importance of state legislatures. He is also a longtime percussionist with the Capital City Symphony, a community orchestra that performs in Washington, DC.